Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Begining


This is the story of my nursing experiences in hopes it may help others.

To introduce myself; I am a premed student and married mother of one. My breastfeeding started off on the wrong foot (or nipple if you prefer). First I had NO idea what I was doing. When my mom asked me (less than a week before my daughter was born), "Do you have any nursing bras?" My reply was, "why would I need a special bra, I was just going to use the ones I have?" So you can see how clueless I really was.

Over the past 18 months my relationship with breastfeeding has transformed from clueless to lcativist. My purpose for pursuing medical school is to promote breastfeeding. I truely believe the best start for all children is at a loving mother's breast and that start should be encouraged and supported by the medical profession.

I will have more posts to come on anything and everything breastfeeding related. Please feel free to visit often and leave comments on what you would like to see next.

-AJ Lewis

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